Friday, June 11, 2010

All from Him • Ecclesiastes 7

On a good day, enjoy yourself; 
on a bad day, examine your conscience. 
God arranges for both kinds of days 
so that we don't take anything for granted. 
Ecclesiastes 7:14

It's best to stay in touch with both sides of an issue. 
A person who fears God deals responsibly 
with all of reality, not just a piece of it.
Ecclesiastes 7:18

It all comes from You, Lord!

You allow good days to come
and You allow the bad as ones, too.

Thank You for the lightness and joy
the good days bring.

Thank You for the bad days, too.

In the midst of those hard days,
search my life, open my eyes to
where I need to repent, forgive,
be healed.

Lord, You see it all.
My sight is so restricted
and small.

As I come to You
help me to see with Your
grace and mercy.

Help me to walk patiently
trusting that You know
the way, You see the outcome.

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