Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Secret Teller • Daniel 2

"Blessed be the name of God, forever and ever. 
He knows all, does all: 
He changes the seasons and guides history, 
He raises up kings and also brings them down, 
He provides both intelligence and discernment, 
He opens up the depths, tells secrets, sees in the dark — 
light spills out of Him! God of all my ancestors, 
all thanks! all praise! You made me wise and strong. 
And now you've shown us what we've asked for. 
You've solved the king's mystery."
Daniel 2:19-23

Faced with the impossible
Daniel went straight to God.

An unknowable dream,
death looming,
he acted wisely, seeking time,
completely confident that
His God could save him.

Truth was revealed,
the mystery was solved.
Daniel praised God,
acknowledging that He
was the Secret Teller.

Humbly, Daniel shared with
the king what was revealed.
Nebuchadnezzar's kingdom
would one day come to an end,
but God was building an eternal
kingdom — world without end, Amen!

Daniel sought no glory for himself,
but boldly proclaimed God's Word,
giving Him all the credit and all his gratitude.

Through Daniel's humility,
Nebuchadnezzar saw God revealed
and acknowledged Him as
"the God of all gods, the Master of all kings".

"But there is a God in heaven who solves mysteries, 
and He has solved this one." 
Daniel 2:28
Dear Lord, I thank You that You are the God in heaven
who solves mysteries. I thank You that You can see in the
dark and that nothing is a surprise to You. 
I am so thankful that I can come to You with the
mysteries in my life and know that You know the answers,
You, who spills light, can lead me and show me
the way to go. Thank you, Lord!

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