"And those sown on the good (well-adapted) soil
are the ones who hear the Word and
receive and accept and welcome it and bear fruit --
some thirty times as much as was sown,
some sixty times as much,
and some [even] a hundred times as much."
Mark 4:20 amp
And He said to them, "Be careful what you are hearing.
The measure [of thought and study]
you give [to the truth you hear]
will be the measure [of virtue and knowledge]
that comes back to you -- and more [besides]
will be given to you who hear.
For to him who has will more be given;
and from him who has nothing,
even what he has will be taken away [by force].
Mark 4:24-25 amp
Your Word is Life
Your Word is Truth
Your Word brings Light
and understanding.
It nourishes me,
making my life produce
life-giving fruit.
Cultivate the soil of my heart,
remove the weeds,
shoo away the distractions,
till up the hard places.
Make me ready and receptive
to Your Word.
Please give me ears that hear,
a heart and mind that
receives, accepts and welcomes
Your Word.
"I know I'm filled to be emptied again,
The seed I receive I will sow."
Then He added,
"Pay close attention to what you hear.
The closer you listen,
the more understanding you will be given —
and you will receive even more.
To those who listen to my teaching,
more understanding will be given.
But for those who are not listening,
even what little understanding
they have will be taken away from them."
Mark 4:24-25 nlt
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