Friday, January 6, 2012

Moving out of the shadows.

So letting your sinful nature 
control your mind
leads to death.
But letting the Spirit
control your mind 
leads to life and peace.

Romans 8:6

I can get so bogged down in my thoughts.
I can see only my inadequacies,
how unable I am.

I start comparing myself to others,
believing that if I try harder,
I can be like them.

"Instead of letting difficulties draw you into worrying, 
(or fretting or comparing or feeling inadequate)*
try to view them as setting the scene
for My glorious intervention. 
Keep your eyes and your mind open 
to all that I am doing in your life."

-- from Jesus Calling by Sarah Young
*my addition

Listening to my sinful nature,
the thoughts that come that are not from You,
drags me down, holds me under,
leads to death.

Your voice is Truth.
Your voice is Light.
Your voice is Life and Peace.

You are my strength.
You are all I need.

It is not about me and what I cannot do.

It is all about You and what You can do.

Now all glory to God, 
Who is able, through His mighty power
at work within us,
to accomplish infinitely more 
than we might ask or think.

Ephesians 3:20

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