Friday, June 25, 2010

An Invitation to a Changed Life • Luke 5

"Push out into deep water 
and let your nets out for a catch." 

Luke 5:4

Jesus, You have so much for me, more than I could ever imagine.
Help me to trust You and follow You to the deeper water.

"If You want to, You can cleanse me." 
Jesus put out His hand, and said, 
"I want to. Be clean." 

Luke 5:12b-13

 Before You I stand, knowing my need.
Thank You that You can cleanse me completely clean.
And that You want to. 
Oh that I would run to You first 
for cleansing, restoration, renewal. 

"Your cleansed and obedient life, 
not your words, will bear witness 
to what I have done." 

Luke 5:14

 I pray that my life will be a witness
to what You have done in my life, Jesus.
May the change be true, not just words
exclaimed for all to hear.
Your cleansing, shining for all to see
as I humbly follow You.

As often as possible Jesus withdrew 
to out-of-the-way places for prayer.

Luke 5:16

As often as possible.
You went off to be alone with Your Father.
You stayed close. Listening to Him.
Abiding in Him.


Impressed by their bold belief, 
He said, "Friend, I forgive your sins." 

Luke 5:20

Bold belief impresses You.
Oh that I would be so bold in my faith.
Keeping my eyes on who You are, 
caring not for what the world thinks of me,
confidently carrying others to You.

"Who needs a doctor: 
the healthy or the sick? 
I'm here inviting outsiders, not insiders — 
an invitation to a changed life, 
changed inside and out." 

Luke 5:31-32

We all need You.
Forgive me for excluding others.
Withholding what I have been given.
Hungry, thirsty, clothed in rags —
You have all that we need 
for a life that is completely new.

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