Thursday, May 22, 2014

Anchoring My Thoughts

The Lord reigns forever... 
-- Psalm 9:7a

...the righteous stand firm forever. 
-- Proverbs 10:25b

The fruit of righteousness will be peace; 
the effect of righteousness will be 
quietness and confidence forever. 
-- Isaiah 32:17 

“Abraham believed God and trusted in His promises, 
so God counted it to his favor as righteousness.” 
-- Romans 4:3b VOICE

So for the person who does not work, 
but instead trusts in the One who makes the ungodly right, 
his faith is counted for him as righteousness. 
-- Romans 4:5a VOICE

...God who creates out of nothing and 
holds the power to bring to life what is dead... 
-- Romans 4:17b VOICE

In fact, his faith grew as he gave glory to God... 
-- Romans 4:20b VOICE

God saw his faith and counted him as righteous; 
this is how he became right with God. 
-- Romans 4:22 VOICE

My Father, 

I will anchor my self, my thoughts, 
and my will in these facts: 

You are.

You rule in heaven and on earth.

You call me "righteous" because I am in Jesus, your son.

No matter what it may seem, I will stand firm forever. 

(Prayer from "You Are My Hiding Place" by Amy Carmichael -- devotional readings arranged by David Hazard.)

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