Monday, December 13, 2010

Passionate Patience

There's more to come: 
We continue to shout our praise 
even when we're hemmed in with troubles, 
because we know how troubles can develop 
passionate patience 
in us, and how that patience in turn 
forges the tempered steel of virtue, 
keeping us alert for whatever God will do next
In alert expectancy such as this, 
we're never left feeling shortchanged. 
Quite the contrary—
we can't round up enough containers 
to hold everything God generously pours 
into our lives through the Holy Spirit! 

Romans 5:3-5 msg

O how I wish I could say 
those Words above are mine.

Patience is not my first choice,
especially in the midst of chaos,
when my tension is rising,
things need to get done,
and kids need to be kept on track.

I feel the pull down
into the whirl of it all
and far too often I lash out.

My discomfort 
becomes all I see.

Oh Lord,
You are right there
waiting for me to come to You,
to wait on You. 

If I choose patience
You will build endurance
and that endurance grows into character.

Please help me to choose to 
hold my tongue and wait.

Help me to choose patience.

But that's not all! We gladly suffer, because
we know that suffering helps us to endure. 
And endurance builds character, 
which gives us a hope that will never disappoint us. 
All of this happens because 
God has given us the Holy Spirit, 
who fills our hearts with his love.

Romans 5:3-5 cev

I asked the LORD for help,
   and he saved me
   from all my fears.
    Keep your eyes on the LORD!
   You will shine like the sun
   and never blush with shame.
   I was a nobody, but I prayed,
   and the LORD saved me
   from all my troubles.
   If you honor the LORD,
   his angel will protect you. 

Psalm 34:4-7 cev

1 comment:

Judy Herrema said...

What a blessing this is!
My desire is to be filled, constantly
aware, of His presence and control!