Friday, September 17, 2010

More Than Words

For the Kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk;
it is living by God's power.

1 Corinthians 4:20 NLT

I can talk about God
and His Word all day long
but it will not help me one, single bit
if I do not apply what I am reading
and learning and act it out in my life.

I can read about His promises
and sing songs about them,
but if I do not choose to believe they
are true for me, if I do not live 
according to them, 
they are useless to me.

The Kingdom of God is not about
bumper stickers, or t-shirts,
greeting card slogans or Bible study answers.

It is about living my life 
as a sacrifice to Him,
offering all that I say and I do to Him, 
trusting that He will show me
what to do and give me His power
to do it. 

I truly live when I take what God says
and live like I believe it. 
My actions have got to line up with 
my words. I cannot trust my 
thoughts or my feelings, 
instead I must trust the One who made me
and what He says in His Word.

So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: 
Take your everyday, ordinary life — your sleeping, 
eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life —
and place it before God as an offering.
Embracing what God does for you is the best
thing you can do for him.

Romans 12:1 MSG

My help and glory are in God
—granite-strength and safe-harbor-God —
So trust Him absolutely, people;
lay your lives on the line for Him.
God is a safe place to be.

Psalm 62:7-8

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