Monday, April 26, 2010

Remember Who You Are • John 19

 Pilate said, "You won't talk?
Don't you know that I have
the authority to pardon you,
and the authority to—crucify you?"

Jesus said, "You haven't 
a shred of authority over me except
what has been given you from heaven.
That's why the one who betrayed me
to you has committed a far greater fault." 

John 19:10-11 

Worldly positions, fought so hard 
to keep are paper palaces 
so easily torn to pieces.

Your position came not from this world –
the world You spoke into being.

Not won through political races or
popularity poles;
regardless of what Your own
people saw or believed,
Your authority is from Above.

 All You have comes from the Father.
All has been given to You, because 
of Who You are.

You are the One and Only.
You are the Spotless Lamb.
You are the Word made flesh.
You are the Lion of Judah.
You are the Good Shepherd.
You are the Great High Priest.

You are the Son of God.

Even when they whipped You, spit on You,
laughed at You and cursed at You,
You never forgot.
Your identity came not from man.
They did not decide who You were.

All You are came from the Father.
All You did was born out of love.

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